Generated Polaroid Photo
一场不存在的毕业展后记 Afterword to a Nonexistent Graduation Exhibition
Response to “Undergraduate Graduation Exhibition of the Local Art Academy”
地方美术学院本科毕业展 Local Academy of Fine Arts Undergraduate Exhibition
All student photos, artwork images, names, artwork titles, and descriptions in this text are generated by Midjourney and ChatGPT, and they are filled with biases and stereotypes.
白描 Promptography
Digital images
吾栖之肤 The Skin I Live In
Single channel digital video. Color. No sound. 36 second. Looped. Keyi Gallery, Hefei. 2023 Keyi Gallery, Hefei. 2023
在这样那样的世界摄影 Photography in Here and There
Diffusion model generated photography
我即地狱 Hell Is Me
3D Prints