Generated Polaroid Photo
地方美术学院本科毕业展 Local Academy of Fine Arts Undergraduate Exhibition
All student photos, artwork images, names, artwork titles, and descriptions in this text are generated by Midjourney and ChatGPT, and they are filled with biases and stereotypes.
白描 Promptography
Digital images
在这样那样的世界摄影 Photography in Here and There
Diffusion model generated photography
码 Censored
Mean Image of Japanese DVD covers
夜奔 Night Running
Video game
Machine learning generated image sequences
黄色书籍消亡史 The End of Pornography
Machine learning generated images and texts.
卡尔·马克思谈论科技巨头 Karl Marx on Big Tech Firms
GPT-2 trained with Karl Marx’s books, 1000 steps
对于全国美展的机器学习分析 Machine Learning Approaches on China National Exhibitions of Fine Arts
Used TensorFlow to classify the award-winning paintings of China National Exhibitions of Fine Arts
人造美人 Beauty Algorithm
Twelve- channel video installation
红颜怒汉 The Beautiful Women and Angry Men
Three-channel video installation
基于生成式对抗网络的中国山水画研究 A Study of Chinese landscape paintings based on Generative Adversarial Network
Digital image