Response to “Undergraduate Graduation Exhibition of the Local Art Academy”
360 De-Lighting Photogrammetry Reconstruction
高精度三维面部表情迁移 High-Definition 3D Facial Expression Morphing
卡尔·马克思谈论科技巨头 Karl Marx on Big Tech Firms
GPT-2 trained with Karl Marx’s books, 1000 steps
对于全国美展的机器学习分析 Machine Learning Approaches on China National Exhibitions of Fine Arts
Used TensorFlow to classify the award-winning paintings of China National Exhibitions of Fine Arts
柏林噪波:云与海 Perlin Noise: Clouds and Sea
基于生成式对抗网络的中国山水画研究 A Study of Chinese landscape paintings based on Generative Adversarial Network
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